Letters to MJ
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Merry Christmas Everyone! 12/25/2023
Starting a little something for my granddaughter down in CA. Enjoy!
Merry Christmas MJ!
Good morning my sweet girl! As you wake up on your 1st Christmas morning your Nanna is sitting in her new home editing photos of you and the photos from a few quick trips into the woods. So far, the house has been an adventure. In the three weeks I have been here (with some help) the doors have been secured (one completely replaced), new faucets and drains in the kitchen and bathroom, all boxes have been unpacked, all appliances are working. It is starting to feel like home!
Yesterday, Christmas eve I was able to get out a little deeper into the woods. It felt like seeing an old friend as the Jeep splashed through the mud puddles and over the rocks that are so familiar. I stopped for a few minutes at one of my favorite ponds. This little Mink was having a fun time splashing and running through the rain puddles on top of the ice. This was the 1st mink I have seen up here.
Couple of things to know about Mink that you may enjoy; Mink purr like cats when they are happy, their sent is a way they communicate with others around them, they spray like a skunk but cannot aim, they are very secretive and enjoy being by themselves, their fur changes with the season and is highly sought after.
I hope you enjoy your 1st Christmas! We don’t have snow up here either this year. Hopefully next year the ground will be covered in snow so we can make snow angels together. If not, we will find a puddle to jump in.
Love you so much!